MCA Social Hour
May 25, 2024 - 2:00 PM EST
Our next monthly social hour to be held via ZOOM for the membership of the MCA is scheduled for May 25, 2024. Come and join your friends from the club to chat and possibly show and tell us about your latest acquisition.
This will be an unstructured get together to be moderated by Gamal Amer. If you would like to show and tell or make a presentation on a subject of interest prepare a short presentation (no longer than 10 minutes) and contact the moderator Gamal Amer with your name and a title for the presentation. Gamal will ensure you get your chance to talk at the appropriate time.
When: Saturday May 25, 2024 at 2:00 PM ET (11:00 AM PT; 7:00 PM GMT) below is the link to attend the meeting.
If you are an MCA member, please login to your account to view the meeting information.